Ofsted last visited the school in May 2023 and judged our school to be Good. They said:
Milborne St Andrew First School is a warm and friendly environment. Leaders have introduced a new set of values for the school ‘Respect for Self, Respect for Others, Respect for our World’. This has been a collaborative process. As a result, pupils and staff live these values. Pupils feel happy and safe at school. They say they can talk to any adult if they have any worries. Pupils behave well. Children in the early years follow well-established routines. Pupils show confidence in talking to visitors. They are inquisitive and articulate. At playtimes and lunchtimes, pupils play well together. They enjoy playing on a range of equipment and making use of the extensive outdoor space. Staff carefully plan trips designed to deepen pupils’ knowledge of the curriculum. For example, they visit a local fort when studying the Second World War. Through residentials, pupils learn about resilience and teamwork. Pupils develop their talents and interests through a range of clubs such as art, tennis and forest school. Parents have overwhelmingly positive views of the school. They feel that staff care for their children well and that leaders listen to any concerns they might have.
For the full report, please click the link below.