Collective Worship
To be able to understand their own beliefs and values, children need to learn about and respond to the beliefs of others. In religious education, children learn about the main religions in this country, particularly Christianity. Teachers aim to help children respect the beliefs and practices of others as well as discover more about their own.
Collective worship is not distinctive of any particular denomination or religious group, but is closely linked to the Christian faith and directly linked to the children’s spiritual and moral development. The school has close links with Milborne St Andrew’s parish and our local vicar, Sarah Hillman, is a regular visitor to school to lead assemblies. Members of the church, along with Sarah, bring bible stories to life through role play.
Assemblies follow the themes in our values led curriculum and Personal, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning through the SCARF programme. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Collective Worship and Religious Education after discussion with the Head teacher. The school will make alternative arrangements by extending the provision in another area.